Thursday, January 24, 2008

interpretation of sayings

agadi-nwayi: old woman
agbala: woman, or a man who hasn't taken a title
chi: personal God
efulefu: worthless man
ekwe: a musical instrument
eze-agadi-nway: the teeth of an old woman
iba: fever
inyanga: showing off/ bragging
isa-ifi: a ceeremony celebrating the reuion of a husband and wife after a long period of time away
iyi-uwa: a stone that forms the link between an ogbanje and the spirtual world
kotma: court messenger
jigida: a string of waist beads
nna ayi: our father
ochu: murder
ogbanje: a changeling (a child who repeatedly dies and returns to its mother to be reborn
osu: outcast
oye: the four market days
ozo: a title
tufia: a curse or oath

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