Thursday, January 24, 2008


This is Okonkwo's viallage. It is feared by all its neighbors. It was powerful in war and in magic. The most potent war medicine was the clan itself. (pg11)

"He had a large compond enclosed by a thinck wall of red earth. His own hut,or obi, stood immediantly behind his only gate in the red walls. Each of his three wives had her own hut, which together formed a full moon behind the obi. The barn was built against one end of the red walls. At the opposite end of the compound was a shed for the goats." pg 14

"Every clan and village has its 'evil forest'. In it were buried all those who had died if the really evil diseases, like leprosy and smallpox. It was also the dumping land of potent fetishes of great medicine men when they dies. " pg 148

"Let us give them a portion of the evil forest" they laughed and agreed, and sent for the missionaries." pg 149

"One morning Okonkwo's cousin, was passing by the church on his way home from the neighboring village, when he saw Nwoye amoung the Christians" pg151

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